
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020
PENGERTIAN BUMN & BUMD: Ciri-ciri, Peranan Kelebihan Kekurangan dan Bentuk – Bentuk . Pengertian BUMN Definisi BUMN Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 19 Tahun 2003, “BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan” Peran BUMN peranan BUMN adalah sebagai berikut : Sebagai penyedia barang ekonomis dan jasa yang tidak disedikan oleh swasta. Merupakan alat pemerintah dalam menata kebijakan perekonomian. Sebagai pengelola dari cabang-cabang produksi sumber daya alam untuk masyarakat banyak. Ciri-Ciri BUMN a. Kekuasaan Penuh di Tangan Pemerintah Ketika berbicara mengenai BUMN, maka segala aktivitas dikuasai, dikontrol, dan diawasi penuh oleh pemerintah. Hal ini dikarenakan negara adalah pemilik resmi BUMN dan negara yang mendirikan BUMN. Tidak hanya itu, alasan pemerintah memegang penuh kekuasaan dalam perusahaan ini, kare
Study at home ✨   Hearing holidays for 2 weeks or 14 days I am quite happy but also I think of a 2 week vacation because the corona virus makes me uneasy. I think with the day off, there were no piles of assignments, but the task actually came 2x. The name is also a student, so whether you want it or not you have to want to do the assignment. I think with the 2 weeks off, people or students will stay at home looking at the situation. But not even students or people and the streets were still crowded, even though the government had ordered to stay at home. Well as a result many are now affected by the corona virus. Sometimes I also think that people out there casually hang out, hang out, travel, are they not worried about the corona virus coming to Indonesia which has killed many Indonesians? .  With a vacation for 2 weeks I did the work and besides that I also filled activities by cleaning houses, sterilizing items, eating nutritious food, drinking water, diligently washing h
Visit The Mpu Purwa Museum In Smanesa      This year SMAN 1 Purwosari has a learning project, which is to hold a museum exhibition at the school. On this occasion took material from the MPU Purwa Museum located in Malang, East Java. The museum exhibit at SMAN 1 Purwosari has a lot of material and is also made more interesting so that students who read don't get bored.        I am one of the many students who are interested in visiting museum exhibitions at this school. I am interested because this museum exhibition displays many statues and historical relics found in Indonesia. I really like learning about the history of relics in Indonesia. With this museum exhibition, I was greatly helped to learn more about the history of historical relics in Indonesia without having to pay for going to the actual museum.       The material is also very diverse, but I will discuss about Mahakala ornaments. This ornament has a height of 62.2 cm, width of 40 cm and tb16 cm. The statue as
Batu Menangis Once upon a time there was a little girl anda poor widow in a village that was in Borneo. The child of this poor widow was beautiful, but she was morally and spiritually impoverished. Once, the mother took the girl to the village to shop.   Along the way many people asked the child who was the one walking behind him. At first, the child answered that the mother was an accomplice. The second answer he said was that his mother was his slave.    The child does this kind of thing over and over. So when people ask him about his mother, he always says no exactly. As time went by, the mother could not bear the response of the child to anyone who asked.    The mother then prays that her child will turn into a filial one. But unexpectedly the child had dreamed that the mother had died and left a message saying that the child should be able to respect the older person, always be devoted to the parents. And then from there the boy regrets and apologizes to his mothe